Thursday, January 6, 2011

TiLT my world!!!!

So, I am writing this in a sleep lacking haze. It's 3.09 am, and Ive been trying to sleep for hours. Between worrying about a 13 year best-friendship possibly ending and just random crap that happened today, I'm feeling really low. So before my sleeping pill kicks in (which I ONLY recommend doing when youre desperate) I thought that I should spend a few minutes reminding me why my life doesn't suck, and why, it's actually getting better. Sorry, that intro was rather heavy, but we all have times like this, and I think creating a TiLT is a great way to help yourself out of it!
image found on google.

1. People are back at work. What this means is that suddenly, a million and one companies are looking for staff, and since I am currently not working, I can apply for 13 jobs per day and be hired in a month. That's my goal.

2. This necklace:
Which Gala Darling was wearing in a recent post, which I went and bought and is being custom made. I did ask for a few different details though, in order to make mine unique. I also bought a plain, silver glittery one, and I plan for these to be my totems during February and all the time for Radical Self Love month.

3. Having my next tattoos just appear to me during some quiet time. I've been thinking of how to honour and remember my cat who passed on in 2010 and I'd had since I was two years old. She lived to be 18 and meant everything to me. Initially, I was going to get her gorgeous picture tattooed on my arm, but after much consideration I decided i didn't want such a big tattoo. And tonight I realised that her name "frosty" would look perfect on my ankle, beneath a current tattoo. The second one, which im not yet certain about is a little pink heart with a blue ring around it on my shoulder on my front side, thats only two centimetres big to remind me to have self confidence, to love myself and others and to seek only the path of love and joy and happiness and kindness. Sounds a little cheesy, but really, who doesn't want to leave a positive impact on the world.

4. Spending all my time playing World of Warcraft. yes, im a nerd. Shock horror. haha. many a time, ill curl up on the bed while my boyfriend plays WoW on his desktop, and on his second screen, an anime will be running. We love the subbed "One Piece" subbed means that the anime is exactly the same as what was released in Japan, so they all speak Jap, but we can read what they're saying in English.

5. Getting healthier. By this, I do not yet mean exercising frequently and such, and although I plan to get to that, all I currently mean is getting rid of snacking and reducing my portions back to pre christmas sizes. The one hard thing about Christmas for me is there seems to be food at every corner during this time of year.

6.Finally figuring out whats happening with an important friendship. I have been best friends with someone for many years (since primary school) but in the last two years weve grown apart. On my side, I feel like they've changed and that they are becoming someone who I don't neccesarily enjoy seeing, for them? I don't know. But basically, we're having a convo soon that has been a long time coming. I hope it goes well, as their friendship means alot to me, and I really want to repair it. It is at least good to know that I will soon have an outcome.

Little things that made me smile!
-Being complemented on finally wearing some colour. -Painting my bedroom wall a nice minty blue. -My boyfriend and my family. -Driving lessons in the car ill be using when i'm a P plater. -Eating less choccy.

Ok, I could go on, but Im finally feeling tired now. At least I feel so much happierm and more gratefull.

Thank-you so much for reading,
Much love and joy,


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